Township definition geography
Township definition geography

The significant, unplanned population has overloaded the infrastructure such that water pressures are low and sewers frequently block and overflow.

township definition geography

There are an estimated 20,000 shacks of which approximately 7,000 are located in “backyards”.

township definition geography

The additional rental units, which provide a significant income to the main householder, are termed “backyard shacks” although many are of brick or block construction of reasonable quality. Its original stands of size of 500-600 sq.m are characterized by sizeable houses of reasonable stock but usually with 3 – 6 additional separate rooms built in the original gardens, each usually housing an additional family who rent from the main householder. Current population estimates vary widely and have been put at figures ranging from 180,000 to 750,000. It covers an area of over 800 ha (including east bank) and its infrastructure was designed for a population of about 70,000. The township of Alexandra (Alex) was established in 1912 and is close to the center of Johannesburg. • Lessons for other projects for the urban poor

  • Relocation of Families (Densities and Standards).
  • Rehabilitation of Infrastructure (Sewerage, other services, co-ordination).
  • Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Council, September 27-30, 2000.

    township definition geography

    Report on the Interactive Planning Workshop for Johannesburg, Alexandra Township, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Township definition geography